Tuesday, April 16, 2013

661. The Rods / Let Them Eat Metal. 1984. 2/5

Though I had never cottoned onto The Rods in my teenage years (I'm not sure they influenced their way across the water to Australia in the days of import records), I decided to check them out a couple of years ago upon the revelation of the relationship between David "Rock" Feinstein and Ronnie James Dio. I went in with no reservations, just an eye and an ear as to what they had to offer.

There is nothing outstanding or special here, but it is a straight forward hard rock album, in the same vein that you get with AC/DC. It's not original or ground breaking, but the songs are good enough, and you find yourself easily tapping away with them. In some cases, this could well be because some of the songs sounds distinctly, and perhaps disturbingly, like some artists and songs of the same vintage. "Bad Blood" is a real Judas Priest "Breaking the Law" clone, whether by design or default. You can't help but think of that song every time that "Bad Blood" comes on. Ditto with "I'm a Rocker", which has AC/DC written all over it. "Nuclear Skies" sounds very much like a Gary Moore-type song of that era, in both vocals and lyrical content, but without the brilliant guitar work. I'm not trying to over analyse these songs, the similarities are very apparent.
Songs like "Rock Warriors" and "White Lightning" show the best the band had to offer - a solid drum beat, nice guitar riff, excellent bass lines and serviceable vocals.

Again, this is no heavy hitter, and unless you found it at its time of release and probably already had a history with the band, you are unlikely to eve put it up high on your list of great albums. But it fits neatly in the middle, not the worst you'll ever hear and still an album you can put on and listen to without too many qualms.

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