Tuesday, April 17, 2012

592. Wolfsbane / Wolfsbane Save the World. 2012. 2/5

To be honest, I always thought that this was a strange move. I guess in the current music environment, where so many bands appear to be reforming to do tours that a tour by the band with a 'greatest hits' package was always possible. But after 18 years, a new album? Could there be anything new? Could there be any magic? Was Wolfsbane that good to begin with?
Anyway, the decision was made, and here it is, the 2012 version of Wolfsbane. And to be honest, it still sounds like Wolfsbane, which to me always sounded like a Van Halen cover band without the brilliant guitar solo's (sorry Jase, but it's the truth) and without being able to pull off the sexual innuendo like David Lee Roth (sorry Blaze, but it's the truth).

This is really the case here. The music on this album could have been pulled straight off Down Fall the Good Guys, such is the sound produced. It all has a very 1980's character about it (and yes, I know their albums were recorded in the 1990's), and it really is out of place in 2012. Perhaps if you hadn't followed the career of Blaze Bayley since 1994 it would have more substance to it. But Wolfsbane's lead singer has done much better for himself over those 18 years, performing not only with Iron Maiden for five years, but producing his own heavy thumping albums under his own moniker. To listen to Blaze's Blood & Belief album, and then listen to this, is to wonder how it could be the same person involved in the writing and singing of those songs.

So this is very tongue-in-cheek, and should be taken that way. But with almost no discernible changes in music or lyrics or subject matter, despite the long gap between albums, this really is an album that is stuck in the wrong time of music history. It is dated even though it has only just been recorded and released. It's fun enough to listen to if you are a fan and know the band, but those from the outside may find that this sits uncomfortably. Even for someone who owns all of their albums, this doesn't sit well.

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