Thursday, April 19, 2012

594. Lamb of God / Resolution. 2012. 2.5/5

From the very beginning, there is no doubt that this is a Lamb of God album. And I say this simply because to me it sounds like every other album of theirs that I have heard or own.
Is this a bad thing? Well, it is up to interpretation. Everyone knows an AC/DC album when it is put on, because they are almost the same through out their career. But if you love AC/DC this doesn't diminish your love of the band or the music.
In reality, this is the same with Lamb of God. The production is similar, the guitars and rums and vocals are all in a similar vein to everything they have done. What it comes down to is - what is your opinion of Lamb of God as a band? If you love the band, you will probably be head over heels in love with this album. If you dislike Lamb of God as a band, you will dislike this album much as you have their previous efforts.

I sit on the fence with both this band and this album. I was hoping for more of Wrath when I heard it, and for the most part was disappointed. I came into Resolution with an open mind and hope of something different, something more. What I found was a stock standard LoG album. The start of the album just doesn't grab me, which is a problem for any album. I don't mind the mid-section songs, there is a little bit there that raises the senses slightly, and then it fades out towards the close again.

In summary, fans will probably enjoy this. As Lamb of God are not one of the bands that I have an obsession with, this perhaps drag down my assessment of the album in the same way my love of some bands drags my assessment upwards.

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