Sunday, June 10, 2012

607. Joe Satriani / Satchurated: Live in Montreal. 2012. 4.5/5

There's not a whole lot you can say about Joe Satriani that hasn't been said everywhere before. The man is a genius on the guitar, and his sound is as instantly recognisable as soon as you hear it as Eddie Van Halen's is. His songs are as entertaining and enjoyable as those of bands who carry around an extra person in their group to spurt out lyrics in a cacophony of varied tones.

This double disc live opus recorded in Montreal brings together an amazing array of songs from his long and varied career. Supported and surrounded by his talented bandmates, Satch puts on a show worthy of listening to time and time again.
My favourites all come more from his early albums, if for no other reason than I know them all intimately, and far better than I do his more recent efforts. Songs like "Ice 9" and "Flying in a Blue Dream", and "Satch Boogie" are still as good now as they ever were. "Always With Me, Always With You" is also still great. But come on... where is "Surfing With the Alien"? And personal all-time Satriani favourite "Crushing Day"? OK, it was fun to hear "Big Bad Moon" again, but surely those two were worthy of inclusion.

This is a terrific showing of Satch and his band's ability to play live, and for anyone who does not know his worth in the whole scheme of things, is a great way to discover his brilliance.

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