Thursday, October 27, 2005

17. Danzig / 777 – I Luciferi. 2002. 2/5.

This album, for me, was a HUGE disappointment when I first got it, and it has been one I have been somewhat apprehensive about pulling out again for fear of hating it more.
So, putting it on this evening, I made sure I went into it with an open mind, and not pre-judging it.
I listened all the way through, allowing it to play uninterrupted.
At the end, I came to this conclusion – it is just a wall of noise, with not a lot of anything going for it. OK, sure, there are a few catchy bits from the middle of the album until the end, but in all reality, I really am not sure at all what Glenn was trying to achieve with this. To me, he had really run out of ideas, and didn't know whether to go backwards, forwards, or tread water.

Rating : It's not so bad that it deserves nothing, but it didn't inspire me to delve into it again in the near future. 2/5.

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