Thursday, January 04, 2007

280. Dokken / Erase The Slate. 1999. 2.5/5

This actually starts off pretty well, in typical Dokken fashion in fact. "Erase The Slate" and "Change The World" are good solid songs in the usual style that Dokken produce. You can almost imagine yourself back in the late 1980's when you hear them.

Unfortunately the standard doesn't last as we move into the body of the album. Maybe in the second stanza of life as a band, they have begun to take themselves a little too seriously. What the hell were they thinking when they decided to do a cover of that awful song “One”. No, not the Metallica song, the one that goes, “One is the loneliest number that you've ever heard”. It is really out of place here.

In the long run, this too is a disappointment. There are some reasonable songs on here, including "Change The World", "Voice Of The Soul", "Haunted Lullaby" and "Crazy Mary Goes Round", that remind you of what Dokken used to stand for. But there just isn't enough of that quality to maintain the rage.

Rating: A little from column A and a little from column B. 2.5/5

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