Friday, June 02, 2006

239. Van Halen / Diver Down. 1982. 0.5/5.

Seriously. Come on. Someone. Tell me what they were thinking when they released this!?!! I still can't comprehend it, and it's been 20 years!!

This is Van Halen, right? One of the innovators, one of those bands that set trends and made being in a band look easy? Then what is this TRIPE!!!

I am sorry to all of those people out there that like this album, but really...
Let's do a couple of songs at the start that are fairly tame, but at least make you think that something good must be coming up.
No. We have two cover songs – seriously! Cover songs! Pretty Woman and Dancing In The Street! WHY!!!? Had they run out of ideas? Did they have no talent for writing songs?
Well... listening to the rest of the album, you could easily lead me to believe that it was true.

This is completely forgettable. It is one of those albums that I should never have purchased.

Rating : Oh. My. God. 0.5/5

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