Monday, April 07, 2008

392. Scorpions / Fly to the Rainbow. 1974. 3/5

This was the second album released by the Scorpions, and in their earliest form they still possess the characteristics that have made them who they are today.
Being the early to mid 1970’s their music retains the psychedelic qualities that laced the music of the period. As a fan of the band, I can say that it is not my favourite type of song genre, but I can see past it in instances like this, because the band is who they are.
For me there is no doubt the highlight of the album is the opener “Speedy’s Coming”, the major up-tempo song on the album. For the remainder, it is mostly that early seventies stuff, which while still great in its own way, is not the same as the material they came up with later on. Still a good solid album. Though.

Rating: More from the early days. 3/5

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