Wednesday, April 30, 2008

413. Death Angel / Frolic Through The Park. 1988. 3/5

I'm not sure if it is just me or not, but Frolic Through The Park doesn't quite match up to the rest of Death Angel's magnificent discography. The exact reason for this, I can't put my finger on.
As I have said on many album reviews, this doesn't make this a bad album. It just lacks something that most of Death Angel's material has that makes it extraordinary. Here we have the same ingredients but the souffle hasn't risen.
Some of the songs have the tempo that raises the eyebrows - such as "3rd Floor" and "Road Mutants" - but in general I think most of the album is a bit flat.

Perhaps I am a bit critical, as in comparison to some of their other work, most albums will probably have the same critique about them. And while the cover of the Kiss classic "Cold Gin" is fine, did they really need to do a cover? Perhaps at this early stage of their recording career, they thought they did.

Rating: Still not a bad album, but it is the runt of the litter. 3/5

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