Saturday, July 12, 2008

510. Kiss / Hotter Than Hell. 1974. 2/5

The second album for Kiss following their self-titled debut, and while it does have a couple of good moments, overall it is fairly average stuff.

Probably the greatest problem that this album has for me is the plodding pace. It really needed to be revved up at the time it was recorded, at it could probably have been a lot better. For instance, two of the main tracks here, “Parasite” and “Hotter Than Hell”, almost send you to sleep when you listen to them. However, when you hear them played live on future releases, you can realise the full potential of the songs.
Then again, is it just me being picky over the era that it was recorded in? Possibly. But it doesn’t change the fact that it could have been improved by that one tweak. “Let Me Go Rock ‘N’ Roll” is a much more satisfactory pace for a Kiss song, and is the reason it stands out as one of the best here.

For me this album falls short of the potential some of the tracks here have. Given that it was never going to be a classic it is still disappointing.

Rating: Fortunately the best was still to come. 2/5

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