Wednesday, July 16, 2008

517. System of a Down / Hypnotize. 2005. 2/5

Whatever these guys are on, I think I need to either avoid at all costs, or get me some at all costs…

I can alternately (no pun intended) enjoy or hate this. It really does depend on what mood I’m in. Actually, it probably depends on how much alcohol I’ve had, because I seem to enjoy it more after half a dozen beers. It really isn’t an album I can enjoy sober, or while driving in the car, or while at my desk at work, or while sitting back on the lounge at home listening on the stereo. So, seeing as most of my time is spent in one of these positions, it is difficult to give it a positive rating.

There is no doubting the uniqueness of the music and the band. The similarity in some songs to the Dead Kennedys (or, in particular, the vocals of Jello Biafra) is startling, and does throw you off.
Then again, take a song like “Holy Mountains”, which is probably my favourite on the album. It is unique in its own way, and as close to an SoAD epic as they are likely to compose, which is immediately followed by the completely off-beat “Vicinity of Obscenity”, which is just complete madness. How on earth can you write songs like this?!

In the long run, it is just a little bit too far out there for me to absolutely be able to take to heart.

Rating: Send in the crazed, hepped-up loonys. 2/5.

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