Thursday, May 08, 2008

425. Metallica / Garage Barrage [Bootleg]. 1998. 4.5/5

During the period when Metallica had either run out of inspiration or knew they were big enough now to decide what they wanted to do and when, they released the double CD Garage Inc. full of previous and new cover songs. They then went out and did a short tour, playing all of these songs live. From that came this A quality bootleg from their show in Detroit, which was broadcast on FM radio in the US at the time.

As I said, the sound quality here is perfect, radio broadcast quality. The setlist comprises songs from the double CD, and as can be noted from my review of that album, there is the brilliant mixed with the average. Most of the average doesn’t make the cut here. In fact, I probably have only two queries about the entire setlist. “Am I Evil” has been in their set for as long as they have been playing. While it’s still a great song and great version, surely they could have substituted something that they DON’T always play. And “Turn The Page” I just don’t like. Average.
Apart from that of course, it is quite brilliant. “The Small Hours”, “Mercyful Fate”, “Sabbra Cadabra”, “The Wait”, “Blitzkreig”. All just sensational.

Rating: Well worth grabbing, even if it isn’t their own songs. Or maybe BECAUSE it isn’t their own songs. 4.5/5.

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