Monday, May 12, 2008

431. Testament / The Gathering. 1999. 3.5/5

OK, so the band may well not have all of its original components, but this is still a mighty release. Certainly, those who have been drafted in to the band are no mugs, and they all perform at the top of their game for this release.

For me, this was always going to be an interesting album, following the excellent Low and the average Demonic. At the time it was released I remember being fairly ambivalent about hearing it. However, having been accosted by a friend who insisted I had to hear it, he lent me his copy, and I was enthralled from the opening bars.
Listening again over the past couple of days, I probably am not as enthused about it as I was back in 1999, but it is still a very good album. (That may well be coloured by the fact I have their brand new album playing on high rotation at the moment). Punctuated by great rolling guitar solos, Chuck Billy’s vocals still bring that edge to every song. There are also moments when the bass lines are prevalent at different stages, especially for instance in “Riding The Snake”. There is the brilliant thumping “Eyes of Wrath”, and the mood changes of “True Believer”.
As soon as you start listening to the album there is no doubt about whose drumming style it is. Dave Lombardo came on board for this album, and he stamps his trademark tubbing well and truly across the face of every song. For me it is probably the highlight of the album.

This was a better return after Demonic. For the fans, the problem lay in the fact that it was to be nine years before their next offering.

Rating: Another solid release. 3.5/5

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