Tuesday, March 04, 2008

344. Iron Maiden / Dance of Argentina 11-1-04 [Bootleg]. 2004. 4/5

This is an A quality bootleg, with this gig actually broadcast on Argentinian radio and recorded as such. Taken off the Dance of Death tour, it contains all the best from that album and recent releases.

The downside is that throughout the gig, the radio announcer comes in over the songs to remind everyone who they are listening to, and what song it is, and what station they are on. Still, at the time I got it, it was the best quality bootleg I had from that tour, and was getting a workout.
In fact, had Iron Maiden not eventually released their double live album from that tour, Death On The Road, I think I probably would rate this higher than I have. Once that release came out of course, this was relegated to second banana status, and returned to the racks for only the very occasional return visit.

Despite this, the concert itself is terrific, and the audience loud and vocal, well led by the ringleader himself Bruce Dickinson who is in fine form throughout.

Rating: Lose the commentary and it is pretty much perfect. 4/5.

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