Friday, March 07, 2008

354. Midnight Oil / Diesel And Dust. 1987. 4/5

At the height of their collaborative powers, Midnight Oil released the album that truly characterized who they were, and what is more, they got extensive radio airplay with singles that all contained their message, and influenced a generation.
Though their statements had been well made on previous releases, Diesel and Dust was a breakthrough for both the band and the music generation of Australia. To go out and make the singles such as “Beds Are Burning”, “Dreamworld”, “The Dead Heart” and “Put Down That Weapon”, and then to have them sell in the thousands, as well as being played every day on all variety of radio stations and music video shows was quite an achievement.

This is how Midnight Oil were at their best – catchy tunes, powerful lyrics, a range and variety of instrumentally diverse songs, a great combination vocally. Even twenty years after its release it still carries the same power as it did then, which is a trademark of a great album.

Best for me are the four singles listed above. “Bullroarer” is also another favourite.

Rating: Almost my favourite Oils album. But not quite… 4/5.

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