Wednesday, November 02, 2005

32. Various Artists / A Tribute To The Beast. 2002. 2/5.

Can someone explain to me what people are thinking, if they believe they can cover an Iron Maiden song, and scream or growl the lyrics to it?
OK, very few people can sing like Bruce Dickinson, but surely you have to give it a go?
I know I am not an afficiendo of the 'growler' lyrical style. And to me, the songs on which bands with growlers have covered on this album bring the rest of the effort down to mediocre.

And there are some good versions on here. Steel Prophet opening up with The Ides Of March and Purgatory, Sonata Arctica with Die With Your Boots On, Therion's Children Of The Damned, and Tierra Santa's Flight Of Icarus are worth the listen.

But those that are bad are horrid.

Rating : There is more to turn me off this album than to make me listen to it, which is a shame. 2/5

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