Thursday, November 10, 2005

41. Masterplan / Aeronatics. 2005. 5/5.

Trying to follow up a masterpiece, as Masterplan’s debut album is, has brought a million bands down. Not these boys. Despite producing one of the greatest debuts of all time, they come out here with their second album, and almost outdo themselves.

Aeronautics was a grower. With such high expectations, it was difficult not to allow myself to be ‘disappointed’ with this. However, on constant listening, I was able to break through that, and realise just how good this follow up is.
Crimson Rider is a great opener, catching the attention immediately, and is followed by a collection of great songs afterwards. Faves for me includes Headbanger’s Ballroom, Dark From The Dying and Black In The Burn.

This is one of the best examples of how European heavy metal is leading the world in the genre. Great songs, thoughtful lyrics, a passion for the music, and an uncompromising attitude to metal itself. This collection of terrific musicians, to me, have the metal world at their feet.

Rating : This is a must have. 5/5.

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