Thursday, November 17, 2005

59. KISS / Alive! 1975. 4/5.

This was probably the album that started it all for Kiss. The double live blast of the band live on stage caught the imagination of the world, along with the make-up and the pyrotechnics and the stageshow. But being captured in their element – the live music – was what transformed their popularity to skyrocketing proportions.

This contains the best of their material that they had released to that time, and most of them are classics that are still so to this day. Any KISS best-of would have Deuce, Strutter, C'mon And Love Me, Parasite, Cold Gin and Rock 'N' Roll All Nite on it.

I don't believe it holds up today as well as other live albums of the period, but for the time, it was something...

Memories : My older cousin David was a mad Kiss freak, back when I was just a kid. At one stage, he was living at our grandmother's when he first got work in Newcastle. I well remember his collection of Kiss records at Nan's house whenever we went up there for the holidays, and was exposed to them at a rather early age as a result.

Rating : Not too shabby. 4/5.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bought this album cold, simply for the energy in the cover photo and the massive crowd. It does not rank highly in my opinion and as vinyl progressed to CD it disappeared from my collection. I will admit that they did have energy but I just could not take them too seriosly as they did not themselves. Just my opinion.