Wednesday, November 09, 2005

37. Death Angel / Act III. 1990. 4.5/5

This was an absolute revelation back in the day. I don't even remember who originally lent it to me back in 1990 (it was either Holzy or Kearo), but it was an instant sensation.

This was not Death Angel's first album, but it was my first taste of their music. What gets me is that, the opening track, Seemingly Endless Time, grabbed me immediately, but it wasn't as though it was the only song I wanted to listen to on the album! Having listened to the whole thing, there was not a weak link amongst it.
So I listened to it again, and, unlike a lot of albums, where early on I will repeat a song that I instantly like, I let the whole thing go through again.

Today when I listened to it again, it had lost nothing. Although I may not always go to put it on these days when I'm looking for an album, it is not because it is not a brilliant album.
A Room With A View is a great example of their ability to change tempo without compromising their style.

Memories : At the time I first got this album, I had the bottom room underneath Mum & Dad's house, which was basically disconnected from the remainder of the house. I had bought myself a pretty bloody good stereo, and I could sit in my room and crank my music - which I certainly did for Act III.

Rating : This was truly something at the time, and it has lost nothing over the years. A gem. 4.5/5

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