Thursday, November 10, 2005

51. Anthrax / Alive 2. 2005. 4/5.

One day, someone will come out with a definitive answer as to why John Bush and his other mates were given the flick so easily...

Anyway, here it is. The Reunion Tour, with Joey and Frank and Dan all back in the fold, and less than six months later, this live album appears. Which is fine. There is nothing wrong with the guys playing abilities, and Joey's voice still holds out as well as one can expect. The songs are great songs, and they still sound great.

It is interesting to hear Joey trying to sing the “new” version of Deathrider, as John sang it. It doesn't work. Very interesting. But when it comes to Time, Be All End All, Medusa and In My World, Joey is just the king (though, strangely, he doesn't receive the vocal support he used to get from Frankie...).

This is an excellent recording from the reunion tour. One does wonder, though, where Anthrax The Band will go to from here...

Rating : A blast from the past. 4/5.

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