Thursday, May 04, 2006

177. Foo Fighters / The Colour And The Shape. 1997. 5/5.

What do you do when you have gone out on your own and formed your own band after the demise of your former band, and have had a positive response to your first release?
Well... you follow it up with a humdinger!

This is a remarkable mix of rock, ballads, metal, soft, hard – you name it, and you will find it on this album. Dave Grohl has put everything into this album, and the results are there for everyone to listen to.

From the fury of Monkey Wrench, to the hard and soft of Hey, Johnny Park! From the fast and slow halvings of Up In Arms to the majesty of Everlong. From the beauty of February Stars to the rambling closer in My Way Home. This is as diverse an album as you are likely to find, and it stamped the Foo Fighters as one of the best bands in the world heading through to the end of the millenium.

Memories : I saw the Foo Fighters on this tour at the Roundhouse in Sydney, and it was awesome. They played pretty much every song off their first two albums, Dave even got up and played duelling drums. Just a sensational show. The only song they couldn't pull off was Everlong, as Taylor just couldn't play 16/4 on the drums that quick that long. It was early in the tour though, so I'm sure he sorted it out.

Rating : The best the Foo Fighters have produced, and well and truly put the Nirvana comparison to bed. 5/5.

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