Monday, February 18, 2008

293. The Beatles / Abbey Road. 1969. 3.5/5

So – this is the number one rated album of all time. Well, I guess you have to have been alive when it was released to fully appreciate it then (I came along two weeks later…).

The Beatles are one of those bands that just about everyone has been exposed to, and thusly there must be a wide variety of opinions on their music and individual albums. I guess for me, like most of the Beatles albums, this album is divided by the very good from the just average. And in general, it is the songs that I have had more exposure to that I enjoy more. Probably why they became singles in the first place I guess.

Some of the songs I find really annoying though. “Oh! Darling” is like someone running their fingernails down a blackboard. “I Want You” drags on for nearly eight minutes, and does nothing for me whatsoever. “You Never Give Me Your Money” doesn’t inspire me at all, there just isn’t a hook there to grab me. OK – there is probably some sort of deeper message I’m supposed to have gotten with all of these songs, but on a superficial level I find them dead weight. It is difficult sometimes to compare them to those songs on the album that I do enjoy however, as they are all of the same beast.
Being a devoted follower of heavy metal perhaps clouds my ‘vision’ of this album. But none of us are the same are we? And though this is widely regarded as one of the greatest albums of all time, I’m afraid I don’t agree so readily.

Favourites for me on the album include usuals – “Come Together”, “Something” and “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer”

Rating: I think they did others that were better. 3.5 / 5

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