Monday, February 25, 2008

320. Exodus / Bonded By Blood. 1985. 4.5/5

If only I had gotten a copy of this when it was released, it may well be one of my favourite all-time albums by now.
As it is, I have only recently acquired it, and can accept it for what it is in a past life.

Though it may sound dated to some, this is a classic album, straight from the roots of East Coast USA heavy metal. From the opening strains of “Bonded By Blood”, this album has classic riffs, great lyrics, and a fun sense to the whole process. It certainly doesn’t take itself seriously, and yet it is at the forefront of what was to become the thrash metal revolution. OK, it mightn’t necessarily sound that way now, and it may have dated, but the character is all still there, and the things that helped heavy metal reach its next step during the 1980’s are all prevalent.

As one of the pioneers of what became thrash metal, Exodus still have a lot to live up to when new recruits come along, and pick up this album for the first time. Happily, I can concur that they have nothing to fear. Even with raised expectations, when I first picked up this album I was impressed. Even now, when I put it on to listen, I am still impressed.

Favourites for me include “Bonded By Blood”, “Exodus”, “Metal Command”, “Piranha” and “No Love”.

Rating: At the forefront of the genre, and one of the best of its time. 4.5/5

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