Friday, February 22, 2008

314. Beyond Fear / Beyond Fear. 2006. 2/5

I bought this album for the sheer fact that Tim Owens was singing on it. I was hoping it was going to be something awesome, and that we would see the full extent of Ripper’s potential.
Sadly, this is not the case. Perhaps I had built it up too much in my head, but this is actually a lot less interesting than I ever thought it could be.

As one of his (many, it seems) side projects, this came after Iced Earth’s The Glorious Burden and before Iced Earth’s Framing Armageddon. With the freedom to do something different, there was an opportunity to set himself up like, for instance, Bruce Dickinson, and have a successful solo career along with being involved in a major band at the same time.

Unfortunately, Beyond Fear is littered with average tracks with no real hook, and little interest. There is certainly nothing that drives you to pull it out of the rack and listen to it time and again. Which is a real shame, because since his emergence as the singer for Judas Priest in the 1990’s he has proven his ability to sing. Perhaps he just doesn’t write well.
Hopefully his talent can still be salvaged, despite his usurping from Iced Earth in recent times.

Rating: Average. 2/5.

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